Environment and Sustainability

Sustainable Peterborough

The Township of North Kawartha is committed to sustainability and protecting the environment. We are a member of Sustainable Peterborough.

Lake Stewardship

Lake stewardship is the practice of managing our lakes through preventative and restorative actions and protecting the lake ecosystem and water quality for current and future generations.

Lake Stewardship groups are important because they raise awareness of lake issues in the community, be the ‘voice’ for your lake and act as a support group for members.

Water, Waterways and Source Water Protection

Trent Severn Waterway  https://parks.canada.ca/lhn-nhs/on/trentsevern

Trent Conservation Coalition Source Water Protection Region https://trentsourceprotection.on.ca

North Kawartha Lakes Association

NORKLA is an umbrella association that represents the majority of cottage lakes in North Kawartha Township. The purpose of the organization is:

  • To share lake concerns, issues and expertise
  • Promote the protection of our lakes
  • Act as liaison with organizations and to act on lake concerns

Coalition for Equitable Water Flow

Visit our Cottage and Lake Association page.

Blue-Green Algae

Blue-green algae thrives in warm, shallow, slow-moving water. Blooms are commonly found near docks and shoreline areas.

Learn about blue-green algae – bacteria that can be harmful to humans and animals – and what you should do if you spot it.

Blue-green algae are microscopic, plant like organisms that occur naturally in ponds, rivers, lakes and streams.  Although often blue-green, they can also be olive- green or red.

For information regarding causes, what to do if you spot it, if it's near your water supply, prevention, etc. please use the links below.


Ministry of Ontario; Blue-green algae


Peterborough Public Health; Blue-Green Algae Blooms May Contaminate Lakes

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