Traffic Studies

Traffic Volumes and Future Construction Needs

Roughly every 10 years the Township hires an engineering firm to complete a Roads Needs Study. As part of this study traffic counts and trends are done on certain Township roads. Based on these numbers, future construction needs can be planned and prioritized to improve motor vehicle trips throughout the Township in a cost effective and efficient manner. These future needs can then be budgeted long-term while taking advantage of any infrastructure funding that may become available. These studies also identify areas of the road system that may have questionable safety components.

Contact Us

Alana Solman
Chief Administrative Officer
The Township of
North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
P.O. Box 550
Apsley, Ontario
K0L 1A0

T. 705-656-5192
T. 705-656-4445 ext. 236
Toll Free: 1-800-755-6931 ext. 236
F. 705-656-4446
E-Mail the CAO

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