To contact Council by email please use their council position@northkawartha.ca or use the links provided below.
For example Mayor Carolyn Amyotte is mayor@, Deputy Mayor Jim Whelan is dmayor@, Councillor RuthAnne McIlmoyl is councillor@, Councillor Jim O'Shea is councillorW1@ and Councillor Colin McLellan is councillorW2@
Direct links to council emails found below.
Mayor Carolyn Amyotte
Email the Mayor
Deputy Mayor Jim Whelan
Email the Deputy Mayor
Councillor RuthAnne McIlmoyl (Councillor at Large)
Email Councillor at Large
Councillor Jim O'Shea (Ward 1, Roll numbers beginning with 1536-010...)
Email Ward 1 Councillor
Councillor Colin McLellan (Ward 2, Roll numbers beginning with 1536-020...)
Email Ward 2 Councillor
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor at Large are elected by general vote. Ratepayers residing or owning property in each ward, vote for their appropriate ward Councillor.
The term of Council is four years, November 2022 to November 2026.