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Boards and Committees

For each term of Council, citizens are appointed by Council to various Committees and Boards. If you are interested in joining one of our Boards and Committees, please contact us for more information.

Committees may be established, revised, disbanded and replaced by Council.  Community representatives are appointed through a selection process at the beginning of the term of Council, which is 4 years and to fill vacancies as necessary.

The Mayor, as Head of Council, is an ex-officio member of all Township committees where not prohibited by law and has full voting privileges when in attendance at any meeting.

By-Law 2022-0104A By-law to adopt a policy for public appointments to North Kawartha Boards and Committees and a template to establish Terms of Reference for Committees and to repeal By-law 2008-0035.

Library Board

The North Kawartha Library Board has two members of Council (RuthAnne McIlmoyl and Jim O'Shea) and three members of the public. The Board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Please visit the North Kawartha Public Library Library Board page for information


Police Services Board

The Police Services Board is responsible for managing the overall relationship between the Ontario Provincial Police and the Township of North Kawartha. The Board is made up of a member of Council, a member appointed by the Community and a member appointed by the Province. The Board has a four year term and meets in the North Kawartha Council Chambers a minimum of four times each year.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend to bring forward any issues they may have.

Current Members

Mayor Carolyn Amyotte - Chair

Shane Paquette - Vice-Chair, Community Appointment

Bob Burns - Provincial Appointee

Kelly Picken - Secretary, Deputy Clerk

Please see the Agendas and Minutes calendar; Boards and Committees - Police Services Board for the agendas and minutes.

The Committee of Adjustment is the body that approves or denies a Minor Variance. They must make sure that the granting of a Minor Variance does not undermine or violate the original purposes of the policies that the municipality has in place. Any decision rendered by the Committee may be subject to such terms and conditions as the Committee considers advisable. 

Minor variances are granted to allow development to proceed without it being in exact conformity with the requirements of the Zoning By-Law. They are a special privilege and there must be a valid reason why the by-law cannot be met in order for a Minor Variance to be granted.

The Committee of Adjustment in North Kawartha consists of the members of Council who are appointed to the Committee for a period of one year and can be reappointed each year. The Committee must appoint a chair and a secretary-treasurer.

Current Members

Carolyn Amyotte

Jim Whelan

RuthAnne McIlmoyl

Jim O'Shea

Colin McLellan

Community Improvement Plan Review Committee

The Committee reviews applications made to the Community Improvement Fund and makes recommendations to Council for annual programs.

  • Council Member: RuthAnne McIlmoly
  • Staff Member: Jr. Planner
Community Improvement Plan

The Community Improvement Plan is now available for viewing.  Programs and budget for 2019 will be determined in the new year.  Please stay tuned for updates.


Comprehensive Zoning By-law Advisory Committee

North Kawartha Council will be establishing a Comprehensive Zoning By-law Advisory Committee will act in an advisory capacity to Council in matters pertaining to the development of a new Comprehensive Zoning By-Law to reflect current and local community needs in the Township of North Kawartha. Committee Members shall serve until the completion of its mission or until the end of this term of Council (2026). 

  • Council Members: Deputy Mayor Jim Whelan, Chair and Mayor Carolyn Amyotte, Vice Chair
  • Public Appointees - 

Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Advisory Committee Terms of Reference


Short Term Rental Advisory Committee

North Kawartha Council established a Short Term Rental Advisory Committee which will act in an advisory capacity to Council in matters pertaining to short term rentals in the Township of North Kawartha. Committee Members shall serve until the completion of its mission or until the end of this term of Council (2026). 

  • Council Members: Councillor Colin McLellan, Chair and Councillor RuthAnne McIlmoyl
  • Public Appointees: Janet Lambert, Shane Paquette and Ian Smith

Short Term Rental Advisory Committee Appointment By-Law 2023-0064

Short Term Rental Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Reference Documents

Crowe Valley Conservation Authority

Council Appointment: Colin McLellan


Otonabee-Peterborough Source Water Protection Authority Committee

The Clean Water Act sets out a framework for source protection planning on a watershed basis. A watershed is an area of land that is drained by a river and its tributaries into a body of water such as a lake or river. Water is shared as it flows across the boundaries of municipalities, cities and towns. The best way to protect water is on a watershed-basis.

Under the Act, Source Protection Areas were established based on the watershed boundaries of Ontario's 36 Conservation Authorities. The Crowe Valley, Ganaraska Region, Kawartha, Lower Trent and Otonabee Conservation Authorities have entered into a partnership for this region. The five Conservation Authorities are coordinating the collection of scientific information about water resources within our local watersheds. They are also facilitating the planning process with municipalities and other stakeholders.

Local Conservation Authorities carry out a number of water monitoring activities to help answer questions about local water resources including:

  • Groundwater and surface water quality monitoring
  • Stream flow monitoring
  • Flood forecasting and warning
Council Appointment

Councillor Jim O'Shea - Council Appointment


Upper Trent Water Management Partnership Council

In late 2015, the Council for the Township of North Kawartha joined in partnership with the local municipalities in Haliburton County, the Coalition for Equitable Water Flow and the Municipality of Trent Lakes to form the Upper Trent Water Management Partnership Council.  This partnership has proven a valuable mechanism to improve communication with the Provincial and Federal Governments and the civil service, and has been a forum where the partners can share information and best practices.

Council Appointment

Carolyn Amyotte, Mayor is the North Kawartha representative on the UTWMPC.

Contact Us

Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
PO Box 550
Apsley, ON K0L 1A0

Tel: 705-656-4445
Toll free: 1-800-755-6931
Fax: 705-656-4446
Roads After Hours: 705-740-6158
Call 911 for Emergencies

Connie Parent
The Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
P.O. Box 550
Apsley, Ontario 
K0L 1A0

T. 705-656-5187
Toll Free: 1-800-755-6931 ext. 234
F. 705-656-4446
Email the Clerk

Map this location.

Kelly Picken
Deputy Clerk
The Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
P.O. Box 550
Apsley, Ontario 
K0L 1A0

T. 705-656-5189
T. 705-656-4445 ext. 239
Toll Free: 1-800-755-6931 ext. 239
F. 705-656-4446
Email the Deputy Clerk

Map this location.

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